| the beauty of life, in black and white. | |||||||
name: zesin. loves: life, music, photography. - - - - - - - - doppelganger. - - - - - - - - .: contact :. - - - - - - - - .: myspace :. .: facebook :. .: friendster :. - - - - - - - - .: reads :. - - - - - - - - .: dith :. .: ming :. .: sancia :. .: huixian :. .: renrong :. .: yuzhong :. .: siaowen :. .: jiaquan :. .: ah teck :. .: chewy :. .: justin :. .: jing :. - - - - - - - - .: archive :. - - - - - - - - 11.2002 12.2002 01.2003 02.2003 03.2003 04.2003 06.2003 07.2003 08.2003 09.2003 11.2003 12.2003 09.2004 10.2004 01.2005 02.2005 03.2005 04.2005 05.2005 06.2005 07.2005 08.2005 09.2005 10.2005 11.2005 12.2005 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 07.2009 12.2009 01.2010 04.2010 |
be forewarned. the emo side of me is on the loose and i'll be doing a post each day about one close friend of mine (at least i think we're close. oh well). it will be in no order of preference, or is there. hmm. it will be raw, gore, yet meaningful. :) ok i will try not to do thousand word essays on it. -forgot my name at 1:51 AM words cannot do justice to how much fun we had last night. i swear i've never felt so high on life (and alcohol) in a pretty long time. ming and dy came over to stay cos our dear ming had to submit something to the school office today. not a lotta booze was involved. in fact, the 3 of us only finished 12 corona and 4 more cans of tiger cum sapporo. went for a round of supper later with dy speeding as usual and strangely enough i felt pretty calm (i was pretty numb by the booze i suppose) although i could feel ming's tension in the backseat. after that we sorta cruised around in the car whilst listening to the CD dear justin burnt for dy. there was this nickelback song which totally suited the mood at that moment la! then after that came some song which was hell nice too but i ain't sure who it is (p.s. justin you better try to remember). i brought us to the school of arts design and media building cos i thought it was a pretty good place for making out in the middle of the night. so the 3 of us climbed all the way to the top and suddenly nature called. ah yes it sure felt good to fertilise the nice carpet grass over there (i ain't telling you which spot we took. bwahaha) we were gonna attempt to stand on the ledge and pee from the top of the building all the way to the fountain but it was a wee bit too high and i didn't think i could finish peeing without landing on my pee 30 feet below so we didn't proceed. following which, we simply ventured around the school (inside and outside) and we even tried to use the Mac desktops available but somehow neither of us could us a Mac (we couldn't even open the browser after trying for damn long). following which we climbed back up another slope and on our way down, dy and me decided to try some subarashi style. it was fucking cool la. minus away the grass burn on my cute ass cos i was wearing some pe shorts. somehow some other people who were at the other side of the slope saw us doing it and they even clapped for us when we slid all the way down. fucking awesome. we're so gonna do it again with some cardboard box next time. haha i've never had so much fun ever since i began life in NTU. it was just fucking awesome and i realised the thing that is seriously lacking in this school are people who can really let loose and do crazy things every so often. i just can't do it on my own. how i miss all those wicked company back in chinese high or in aj where we would do lotsa crazy shit and laugh ourselves silly after that. this is what life's supposed to be ain't it: to do something crazy every so often to remind yourself that you're still alive and actually living. all these small things constitute to memories and experiences you've had in your life. haiz. life just ain't the same when your buddies ain't close to you. i ain't gonna fucking remember NTU cos i did my bachelors degree here or cos i stayed in hall and have a so-called life. i'll remember it cos i peed on the building and i've actually fulfilled my wish of sliding down the slope(i always think of sliding down the thing everytime the shuttle bus passes by the building). i have no qualms about doing things people would say is crazy or utterly stupid cos this is how i feel i'm actually living. to break free of social norms and to do what is so-called 'not right'. i don't really give a shit about it as long as it doesn't get me into trouble that i have to make my parents bail my ass out. so when was the last time you did something real crazy? come on. cut yourself some slack in your life. get high. on life. this is what i call inebriating the soul within. -forgot my name at 1:07 AM i cannot tell you how much i love the japanese serial "Engine". not simply because Kimura Takuya is such a heartthrob but cos i was actually on the verge of crying whilst watching it. how muthafucking long has it been since any tv show has been able to make me cry. simply awesome. respekt. -forgot my name at 12:54 AM met a jc classmate in town yesterday. i walked right up to him and he could not recognize me until about 5 seconds later. damn i should have borrowed money from every single person i know before i embarked on this extreme makeover. -forgot my name at 10:13 PM sometimes i feel i have the cutest parents around. my mum was having some small talk with me about her friend's son/daughter working part time to support himself/herself through school. i commented it's quite good to work and earn your own keep and say i also wanna work to earn my own pocket money. she simply refuted me by saying "don't worry so much, you know you don't have to work." wow. i sure have supportive parents. trust me, i will not educate my kids this way in the future. -forgot my name at 12:36 AM i'm too pessimistic for an optimist and i'm too optimistic for a pessimist. i'm just plain emo. -forgot my name at 1:05 AM these days, i tend to do a lot of things on my own. well, partly it's because i can't find company to do it with and another is because i simply enjoy my company. i'm beginning to have meals on my own these days, whether i'm eating alone in my room or whatever it may be. it feels kinda nice to do it, to just sit there and enjoy your food without feeling awkward or the necessity to talk during meal with a friend. in fact, i've even taken a liking to shop around orchard on my own. feels so pretty peaceful with your earphones on shopping around even though it's hustle bustling everywhere. ah yes, not forgetting my favourite part of the day. the journey back to home/hall everytime i go out. most people would dread the travelling and all but it's usually the part of the day which i enjoy the most, especially long journeys. cos that's simply when i could just turn up the stereo, stand around and observe the people on the train, minus out all the talking and noises. it is said that the most powerful form of communication is the non-verbal type so you can probably say that i've dedicated a large part of my life to understanding it. trust me, it's interesting to try to decipher what people are thinking by just looking at their expressions or their actions. people usually like to have company on their way back home so they would have someone to talk to but it ain't me. maybe it's cos i'm already used to travelling alone for about 10 years for now. but the journey back home is really a special time for me whereby i would only share it with the selected few and myself. so i'm sorry if you ever offer to go back home with me but i come up with lame excuses to reject you, you just ain't part of that circle. jogging is another thing which i feel the need to do it alone. first of all, it ain't easy to find someone who jogs at the same pace at you, or rather, it's impossible. if the person is faster than you, you'd be making him/her waiting for you while if you're the faster one, you'd probably be pushing that person to the limits while waiting for him/her. when i jog, i tend to push myself to about 80% of my limits at least, otherwise i don't see any point in jogging. it's also a very quiet moment whereby you can simply sort out all your thoughts. for some special reason, jogging seems to be the remedy to a mental constipation. whenever you feel like you're mentally blocked by some issues, jogging helps in some way. oh well, i need to up my exercise regime anyway, otherwise you'd see me with a beer belly soon enough. ah i'm sorry for this particularly long post. you can call it a mental diarrhoea or something cos these are some of the thoughts that have been welled up for some time. anyway, the moral of the story is just that i feel more peaceful with myself these days although tere are still some repressed anger/frustrations over some issues. i'm just more at peace with myself, and the world around don't matter no more. -forgot my name at 12:58 AM it seems that for people who have not met me for more than a year are totally unable to recognize me on the streets. there was a jc classmate of mine who could stare at me but have no idea that it was me. another simply walked right past me on the train unknowingly either. wow did i really change THAT much. -forgot my name at 7:54 PM you'd seldom hear this from me but avril is sizzling hot in her new mtv. ooohh i want someone like that in the vid. please? -forgot my name at 7:01 PM words cannot do justice as to how much i hate primary school. or at least the one opposite my hall. quiz at 12, hangover now. great. -forgot my name at 11:13 AM apparently, there's someone whom i do not know that has hyperlinked my blog to his/hers. i have a feeling it might be that someone. just for your info, i have a tracker on my blog whereby i can track the visitors activity: which page they come from, how long they stay here, what time they come in, which country they're from. yes. i even know what browser and what OS you're running on. must i repeat myself that i hate it when people link my blog to theirs when i have never even heard of their fucking blog in the first place. and the best part is, that blog is open to invited readers only. muthafucker. must you always be such a sneaky bastard going around setting up secret blogs. oh god, do you have that many things to hide in your life? then for fuck sake please stop blogging, type it in some word document, save it for your own reference. loser. make the world a better place, do jump off a building or something. -forgot my name at 12:54 AM haha a lil booze a day makes me a happier man. and yay i've restocked my fridge. i was on the train after boozing when i overheard this conversation between a couple who were standing next to me (note that the dialogue was in chinese so i'll try to translate it to the best of my knowledge and please note that i was a lil intoxicated at that and this point of time): guy: i still need to go army, after that need to go study, where got money. girl: then never mind lah. we can save money. can come my house watch vcd. guy: huh. lidat ah. watch movie you pay lah. girl: !!! siao ah. i where got so much money. guy: then lidat ok loh. go your house watch vcd loh. but i don't know ur parents well. if go then stay in your room watch vcd loh. girl: huh. i where got so sui bian bring guys back to my room one. so weird. fumbles out my earphone trying my best not to laugh. the whole conversation is damn funny cos there seems to be a lot of hidden message throughout and somehow i seem to be the only one catching it. it's damn obvious the guy's a freaking cheapo and wants to leech off the girl and he just wants to make out with the girl in her room. the girl on the other hand, wants to make out with the guy also but not at her place cos the parents will be around. why can't they just talk in a more simple manner. god this is killing me. -forgot my name at 10:41 PM apparently, everyone wants to have a companion at some point in their life, be it a boyfriend/girlfriend or a sex partner. but the question that is overlooked most of the time is why they want the companionship. when i ask people, i get all kinds of answers but eventually it all boils down to 'i don't know. there's no why one leh. you just feel like you want/need one'. and it is after speaking with so many intellectual beings that made me realise why i would want one. it's simply because at the end of the day, you want someone to be there for you; to cheer you up in the simplest way possible, to tell you how good you look no matter how rough a day at work/school you had, all you want is someone to be there appreciating every little thing you do without you saying it out. it's so simple. yet so hard. -forgot my name at 1:12 AM speaking of which, i need to replenish my fridge soon. it's a depressing sight with no more booze in it. haiz. -forgot my name at 9:48 PM i miss some erdinger. fuck i need to pub this week man, life's getting damn sian. -forgot my name at 9:33 PM there's some stuff i wanna blog about actually. i hope i remember the feeling and remember what it's about. this week's gonna be kinda busy for me. another thing i realise, i seem to be going out pretty often these days. haha what the hell. -forgot my name at 2:40 AM i realise that for me, a nice song is determined based on the first 5-10 seconds of it. i guess that goes the same for the people i meet. -forgot my name at 12:39 AM sometimes, a hug is all that we need to keep us going. -forgot my name at 2:22 AM lol. in response to my nick on msn which reads "girls don't like boys. girls like cars and money." someone said "boys don't like girls. boys like sex and booze." why the booze? it's simply cos the more we booze, the prettier you girls get. :) -forgot my name at 7:51 PM i'm really thankful for the long chat me and ding had. it's nice to still be able to talk to each other so freely although it's been like years since we last had a talk like this. although i've known him for a long time, i must say i've known him even better now. at least i know how much he's changed, for better or worse. interesting to find that we share the same viewpoint on so many things and even some that i no longer thought i believed in. one thing's for sure, it sure ain't easy finding that particular trait in girls these days. the trait whereby they won't speak of trust all day and end up abusing it. the trait whereby they know that nothing can be achieved without a compromise. that life ain't no fairy tale, life's a bitch. -forgot my name at 11:29 PM haha i guess there's no reason why males shouldn't be MCP. it's our right in every way to be. this is just a random ranting after talking for 3 hours on the phone. and 3 hours is usually my total talk time for 3-5 months. -forgot my name at 10:16 PM if you do use Windows Live Messenger 8.1, you might have noticed some of your contacts have this "i'm" logo beside their nicks. it's part of an initiative by Microsoft to donate to the respective organizations simply through revenues generated when you start a chat with somebody. however, this initiative is only available in the United States as of now. for more information, check it out here. if you're living in the United States, a good deed goes a long way. be part of the initiative, make a difference. -forgot my name at 7:18 PM in "Heroes" episode 18, Mr. Linderman was having an interesting conversation with Nathan Petrelli: there comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. to be truly happy, a man must be living absolutely in the present; no thoughts of what's gone before or what lies ahead. whereas a life of meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and be obssessed about the future. maybe i've already chosen the latter. i still can't live in the present. -forgot my name at 3:59 AM i seriously think there's something wrong with me. it's easier to click with younger guys than younger girls. geez. -forgot my name at 1:15 AM it is said that for a female, the number of close male friends she has is proportional to how attractive she is. the same can be said for male. it is also noticed that in the society, human exhibits the copycat behaviour: for example in a room with men and women, an ordinary looking man enters the room. if the prettiest lady in the room throws a second glance at this man who has just entered, the rest of the female population would also change opinion of this man almost instantly. this trait can also be noticed in the animal kingdom whereby animals tend to mimic the actions of those that are high up on the hierarchy. so girls, if you see me on the street next time, do throw a second glance at me and remark to your friend beside you "ain't he cute?". that might just work wonders on my street credentials. a good deed goes a long way. thanks. -forgot my name at 12:51 AM can platonic friendship really exist between a male and a female? if you ask me frankly, i believe it is a stupid question cos it doesn't happen in real life. it didn't even happen in fairy tales for that matter. however, i do believe that the relationship between a male and female would really be platonic if it is able to transcend the 'infatuation' phase. look around you, at your male and female 'good friends', if you haven't gone through the phase of 'i-think-i-like-him/her', then there jolly well is a possibility that it might happen. -forgot my name at 10:49 PM ah yes, i need to believe i am truly great. how apt. and how difficult that would be. maybe i just need someone to tell me how great i look today or even how wonderful i've always been. yeah i'm just going through another roller-coaster right yet again. i'll tide through this. -forgot my name at 1:22 AM speaking of music, i don't understand people who hates techno. there ain't nothing wrong with techno if you ask me. maybe it's the social stigma that attaches techno with bengs and lians. therefore people try to steer clear from that genre. techno is a cool genre which leads on to funk and house or club music. honestly i seriously despise those who claims they love jazz simply cos it makes them seem classier and all. aww fuck off. and someone please remove hiphop from mtv and the radio. -forgot my name at 5:25 PM sometimes i wonder when i'd stop this indulgence in rock. if it's possible, i hope it would last me a lifetime. i wanna still be in my tee shirts and jeans in my forties, jumping with my hands in the air as the drum beats and every guitar chords fuse together into what i call music. it sure ain't easy finding people with similar tastes in music, let alone a partner. one thing i've noticed for sure is that i share similar taste in music with the general malay community in singapore. cool. -forgot my name at 5:13 PM i think i have a weird sense of humour. i'm actually laughing my ass off over this vid. -forgot my name at 11:56 PM the stock market can't seem to stop plummeting. -forgot my name at 10:20 PM damn. back to hall life. back to school life. argh i should've enjoyed my 2 weeks break while it lasted. damn. -forgot my name at 12:02 AM i may be just a shithead after all. -forgot my name at 2:14 AM my rabbit's staging a revolution in its own way. it's eating strips of paper, bread, rubber bands, plastic sheets, cat food, basically everything other than its own pellets. geez. -forgot my name at 12:16 PM |
.:vocalise things i've left unsaid:.
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