| the beauty of life, in black and white. | |||||||
name: zesin. loves: life, music, photography. - - - - - - - - doppelganger. - - - - - - - - .: contact :. - - - - - - - - .: myspace :. .: facebook :. .: friendster :. - - - - - - - - .: reads :. - - - - - - - - .: dith :. .: ming :. .: sancia :. .: huixian :. .: renrong :. .: yuzhong :. .: siaowen :. .: jiaquan :. .: ah teck :. .: chewy :. .: justin :. .: jing :. - - - - - - - - .: archive :. - - - - - - - - 11.2002 12.2002 01.2003 02.2003 03.2003 04.2003 06.2003 07.2003 08.2003 09.2003 11.2003 12.2003 09.2004 10.2004 01.2005 02.2005 03.2005 04.2005 05.2005 06.2005 07.2005 08.2005 09.2005 10.2005 11.2005 12.2005 01.2006 02.2006 03.2006 04.2006 05.2006 06.2006 07.2006 08.2006 09.2006 10.2006 11.2006 12.2006 01.2007 02.2007 03.2007 04.2007 05.2007 06.2007 07.2007 08.2007 09.2007 10.2007 11.2007 12.2007 01.2008 02.2008 03.2008 04.2008 05.2008 06.2008 07.2008 08.2008 09.2008 10.2008 11.2008 01.2009 02.2009 03.2009 04.2009 07.2009 12.2009 01.2010 04.2010 |
maybe that's why i am what i am now. not giving a damn about a lot of things in life. not looking forward to anything much in life, simply cos life never turns out like you expect. so why bother. she says she doesn't know how to move on, how to believe again. how the hell would i know. when you survive, you'll live. i only have one belief left: that we can make a change to this world in our generation. kindly click the banner at the bottom right corner of the page once a day. it might just go a long way. let's just embrace life for what it's worth. let's just keep on living. -forgot my name at 2:11 AM
![]() -forgot my name at 1:28 AM i'm so depressed everytime i look at my msn contact list. every day there would be more people changing their nicks to: 'woohoo, no more papers' or '5 down, 1 to go'. god damn you all. i'm only 1 down with 4 more to go. can i have the universal remote controller like the one they have in 'Click'? i wouldn't mind fast forwarding all the examinations in my life. sweet. -forgot my name at 12:33 AM ![]() god i miss this beautiful game. -forgot my name at 12:37 PM i'm kinda wondering if we would see the two same teams in the 2005 champions league finals this year. that would be interesting. -forgot my name at 3:18 AM see the new icon at the bottom right hand corner of my page? do me a favour and click it whenever you drop by. i'm not even sure if it's totally true but let's just give them the benefit of doubt. you have the power to change the world. -forgot my name at 11:40 PM there's a fine line for everyone whereby there's no turning back the moment someone crosses it. i'm not trying to sound like an astrological freak but for scorpios, i think it's pretty obvious. we just can't seem to forgive and forget. i wonder if that's good or bad. -forgot my name at 1:23 AM bummer. looks like i just fucked myself in the ass this time around. big time. -forgot my name at 10:54 PM lol. i feel like slapping myself now. i thought my first paper was gonna be on the 25th but i got the dates completely wrong. i ain't got no paper on the 25th. it's this coming monday. what the fuck. lucky i went to check my seating arrangement. god damn it. how did i get the date wrong in the first place. -forgot my name at 8:14 PM whooppee!! today is a happy day. well, nothing much happened. or to be exact, nothing happened. i just had a couple of chats with people whom i haven't talked to in a while. it was just a short conversation but it was a quality conversation. haha i think i talk way too much crap with some of my friends. seele schneider says: suck my balls bithc im not wussy eat dirt mother fucker inebriate the soul within says: oh yea bring it you muthafucka u want a piece of me come get some seele schneider says: come to amk now -forgot my name at 4:19 PM my heart goes out to the families who have lost their loved ones in the shootings in Virginia Tech University. i still believe that guns don't kill people. people kill people. -forgot my name at 11:47 AM i was browisng through some of the photos that wan song took back in the aj days. most of them are just simply hilarious. hell those days were fun. -forgot my name at 7:03 PM sometimes i ask myself do i really need someone to be there for me? sometimes i tell myself that i want someone to be there, not need. other times, i simply have no answer at all. now seems to be the 'other times'. maybe it's just the side effects from having no beer for five days. -forgot my name at 3:26 AM i remember telling this other friend of mine that the Swiss guy who was charged with lese-majeste in Thailand would eventually get a royal pardon. there you have it. politics. crap. -forgot my name at 3:24 AM i just kinda laughed out loud while i was getting to this page. there's a blogger announcement which says you can now blog in HINDI. amazing. hahaha ok let's not get too racist here. anyway, my desktop's officially dead or to be more precise, the mainboard's fried. i've dissected the whole thing and there's nothing i can do about it other than wait for the new mainboard to arrive or probably send it back to the factory and get them to do it for me. just feeling uber down these couple of days. partly due to the lightning strike on my comp and partly due to no reason at all. i'm just damn super emo and keep having this song on repeat in my playlist. well, i guess it sorta means something. watch it and see what you think it's about. -forgot my name at 2:52 AM somehow i get the feeling that christianity is a very demeaning religion. it makes people believe that they are utterly worthless and everything they achieve, they achieve it through "God" and not through their own capability. just what the hell are they thinking. -forgot my name at 3:32 AM as usual, erdinger makes me a happy man. and i'm wondering if i should watch all films in '8 Films to Die For'. i'm pretty exhausted after Dark Ride. damn. -forgot my name at 1:25 PM fuck sia. mclaren's taking the first 2 spots. raikonnen's at 3rd place but 20 seconds behind the race leader. it'll take a miracle to turn this around for ferrari. and i thought massa would win. knn. -forgot my name at 3:55 PM sorry for the lack of posts. been at home these few days. not much mood to blog. no inspiration i guess. -forgot my name at 4:22 AM seems like my previous post about my friend pj brought about some repercussions that were expected i suppose. anyway i'm sorry if it pissed you off in any way, i don't know how else to put it across. i ain't someone who's good with words, i only know how to put my point across in the most truthful manner i know of. that is what i do best. i hope you all understand if the same shit happens later on. -forgot my name at 1:02 AM i happened to be home in time to tune to the news today: Singapore Ministers are going to have a pay rise which could possibly bring their salary to about S$1.2m P.A. Dear MM Lee is currently getting a paycheck of S$2.7m every year. Oh not forgetting his son who's drawing a salary of S$2m too. George W. Bush only receives about US$400k P.A. and Tony Blair around £170k. ain't this a whole load of bullshit. all the talk about pegging their salary to about two-thirds of the 6 highest earning professions in Singapore. for a developed country, salary of the 6 highest earning professions is almost set to never decrease. what a smart move by the Lee Family. my utmost respect to them. total salary of the ministers are about 0.13% of the Budget every year and there's like less than 100 of them in there. 0.13% amounts to about S$40m a year. consider Singapore having a population of 4 million, everyone's paying $10 to their pocket for doing what? oh well. now you know why your parents told you to study harder. it is almost the best career option to be the President's Scholar and then get into the civil service. of course, your favorite color has to be white. -forgot my name at 2:02 AM okay my body's feeling a lil bit weird right now. guess it's about time i started blogging about some of my friends like i said in my earlier post. in no order of preference or whatsoever, i'm gonna talk about pj first. :) foreword: this post may contain contents that would antagonize the very person i'm talking about. however, it makes no matter because everything that is written here is heartfelt feelings and opinions. sorry for any disturbances. pin jing is a very special friend. i don't even remember how we ever started talking in the first place. neither do i remember how her contact managed to end up in my msn list for that matter. somehow she was always there to talk to when i was suffering from the few periods of low in my life. one of the most 'memorable' moments was when i broke up with my first and only girlfriend. just right after i initiated the breakup, pj was the only person who started talking to me on msn although i was crying like fuck in front of my computer. come to think of it, it was damn hilarious la. of course she was there to slap me right in the face when i went through another shit with relationship again. that's kinda what i like about her. she simply rubs more salt on your wound when normal people would just shower you with sympathy. she's a girl who has left a very deep impression on me. no, it ain't cos of her face nor her boobs. it's more about her personality. i've had this rare honour of getting to know her on a deeper level before we had to slog our ass off in uni. people would probably know her as a bitch for her outspoken personality and the fuck care attitude about so many small things in life. i know she's more than that. from the numerous occasions that i've talked to her, i've gotten to know a more caring, selfless side of her. a part of her that would go all out to help someone as long as it's what she believes in. she's a compassionate person who doesn't merely talk the talk but simply walk the talk. and i'm very impressed by that indeed. i'm very thankful for having the opportunity to know her as a friend, a good friend, a great friend. i've learnt so many things from her. i remember myself as a more pessimistic guy in the past who saw myself as being alone most of the time and do not have much friends to turn to if i ever needed any help. it is through talking to her that made me realise friends are more than that and they will always be there whenever you need them regardless of whether you all have been in frequent contact. it probably seemed like a very insignificant thing to you, but it meant a lot to me. i just felt that i'm a better person having the belief that my friends are always there for me. at least i don't think i'm as pessimistic as before but i'm not that optimistic either. i'm emo remember ;) it's been a mighty long time since i've met up with her. is it like almost two years already? haha. we still talk to each other at times through the messages on the tag board or through sms or msn. she seemed a whole lot busier ever since she got into smu and one thing worth noting is that i think she's changed. for the better or worse i cannot say. from her blog entries, she seems so impregnable behind that wall of defense she's put up everyday in school. she's always busy pushing for better grades, trying to outsmart each of the other 'friends' in her class, bitching about how fucked up the people around school is. yet, she's blending in perfectly well in this masquerade. it's the school culture i suppose and i ain't the only one to agree that it's part of the smu culture to put up a strong front no matter what. nobody's supposed to look stupid, act stupid or say anything stupid cos that would only bring about your downfall. geez, i sure am glad i ain't gotten in. it'd be pretty stressful for an emo kid like me. i do know that in the university, to be at the top, you have to step on others to get up, and it applies to life in general. my current phase of life is just about letting people step on me on their way up whilst hers is entirely different i suppose. whatever it may be, i do hope she's happy actively pursuing her dream career. :) -forgot my name at 10:53 PM i seem to be getting a lotta weird visits from weird countries on this blog. it's cool to see the different countries' visitors. there seems to be a few china visitors and from what i know, i only have three friends who are at china doing attachment/gip. drop me a message whoever you are :) oh yes and i've been getting a lot of visits from france. i wonder who that may be. -forgot my name at 3:35 PM for all those linkin park fans or you think you're a fan of linkin park just cos you like the song 'in the end', here's their latest single. disappointing. the music vid is simply copying a lotta other bands out there. the same theme's been used for like a million times already. you'd expect much more from a band like them. whatever happened to mike shinoda. it just ain't the same not hearing him rap. and chester's simply a bono-wannabe. -forgot my name at 11:43 PM "What is the use of living, if it be not to strive for noble causes and to make this muddled world a better place for those who will live in it after we are gone!" - winston churchill. wow a damn nice quote which so matches my philosophy on life. geez. great minds think alike i suppose. -forgot my name at 12:14 PM shit. it's a damn emo night. got a quiz tomorrow and i'm feeling uber unprepared. i just can't seem to dig this shit. my brain ain't tuned to electric circuitry and all totally. had pretty little sleep on saturday night and now i'm feeling like crap. urgh. i feel like just fucking it and go to sleep. why is my fridge out of beer again. fuck. listening to mogwai is just making me feel worse. urgh. -forgot my name at 12:31 AM |
.:vocalise things i've left unsaid:.
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